Monday, June 6, 2011

How I got my Name - "The Wiz"

First of all let me say that this post obviously refers to my nickname, "Wizard" and not to my birth name "Columbo". Just joking my birth name is Wes. And since we're on the subject I have come to speculate that my parents named me Wes maybe because they are from the Southeast Asian Islands or Pacific Islands the Philippines and were having a child on there way to moving out to the Western United States. (I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii) Maybe they thought naming their kid "Wes" moving to California would be pretty snazzy or maybe It's bcuz my parents like cowboy movies. Really they do they're favorite is John Wayne but recently I gave them a copy of 3:10 to Yuma the newer version and Appaloosa. They seemed to like it although my Mom thinks every movie without a Nun is to violent.

Since this blog is titled "Words of Wiz" I guess it makes sense to explain where my alias came from. I believe, and if you choose to read or follow my blogs you'll come to see I have very "unique" beliefs that everyone should have 2 names. One the name their parents give them and Two the name that they hopefully after some thought and self analysis give themselves. There is also a 3rd part to this, the name that those around might give you although I believe since one didn't choose the name for themselves this last choice has less cred or merit.
 So anyone that knows me in person would probably say I'm a fairly intellectual guy. Not saying I'm always the smartest guy in the room but unless we're at Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory I'm not gonna be at the other end of the spectrum either. ALthough I might even be ok in that room, pretty sure I'd have the Janitor beat unless he was that guy from Good Will Hunting. That being said Is where I would say the first part of how I got my name came from. Albeit from me If you were to ever come across a dumb Wizard.

I actually started using my name around 15 years ago abouts during the start of the age of the Internet. It was when the original Warcraft game came out. You know that game Humans vs Orcs where you build a Town up and go and kill & pillage the other guys town. (Zug Zug) Well I would go by the alias Wizard420. Keep in mind this was 15 years ago I was all about the 420. Maybe It was because there was a Wizard in the game that was one of the more powerful characters. Or maybe bcuz since I was a boy I enjoyed the tales of King Arthur his Knights of the Round Table & his almighty Wizard Merlin. Or it could be bcuz even then I would compete against friends a few years older than me (Ron, older brother of one of my best friends at the time Romel, Steve/Mousey bcuz his face somewhat resembled a Mouse, Victor, "Z" Zoran, and Brandon/Tweety lol bcuz his scrawny build resembled tweety bird) that taught me my first computer tricks, hacks, shortcuts and nuances and I could beat them and was a Computer "Whiz". Whatever it was that made me type in Wizard420 for my alias, that's what it was and it stuck.

I got my other alias WizDrW about 6 years ago when I started playing FTP (Full Tilt Poker). I couldnt just type in Wizard anymore bcuz that was obviously taken so I came up with Wiz - Doctor W. I was having multiple personality issues at the time much in the form of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Also during that time I was a board certified "Street Pharmacist." Just like in real life, most people that have had the unfortunate experience of competing against me in the online gaming world would probably say I'm no slouch in the mental category either.

Now Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the word Wizard as a "wise man, skilled in magic, a person very clever or skillful". For sake of just starting this blog and not wanting to divulge some of the more questionable aspects of my life just yet, lets say there was a time in my life where I practiced "Magic". It was along the lines of "Where did you want to go" and "How long did you want to stay there." Also a Wizard tends to know spells and have certain powers and I swear since those times I've become a little more in tune to certain things and am positive I have certain "abilities" that I didnt have before.

Well this blog seems to be going on so I'll end it with a revelation that I recently discovered about my alias Wiz. The first letter "W" is the first letter in my first name, the last letter "Z" is the last letter in my last name, and the "I" could stand for I or me. So all in all I am the WIZ. A well earned, well deserved and very fitting nickname.

So its 10AM this blog came from not being able to sleep. I keep very odd hours (that's another blog explanation in itself) and my tynenol PM is kicking in.

My name is Wes, aka Wizard, aka Wiz, aka WizDrW (online) nice to meet you and I'll catch you on the next one. Oh and by the way I almost forgot... Whats your Name???

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