Friday, June 17, 2011

Can We Live Forever? -- Artificial Intelligence & Technology surpassing Human Biology

Recently I watched a couple documentaries about extending human life. One was called Transcendent Man about Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil who invented the first text speech recognition technology enabling the blind to be able to read books and many other interesting things. He also teaches the idea of Singularity. Meaning a time in which Technology will surpass the complexity of the human brain. He vows this time is drawing closer and if we are to live a mere 15 years longer we will come upon an age in which our life expectancy will add by one year every year (meaning science would advance at such a rate it would give us another year to live each year) and technology will surpass Human Biology meaning we could in theory "Live Forever".  He also spoke of discovering the gene which makes us age and by altering this gene in worms he was able to extend their life expectancy and make them more vigorous.
 I also watched another documentary about how they were using peoples own cells to rebuild human organs for future transplant should our own organs fail us. They even grew a human ear on the back of a lab rat to be cut away later and be transplanted back on a human. This technology is very interesting to me and I assume very interesting to everyone else living during these times.
 We are coming across an age where we could in theory "Live Forever". The question I ask is would this be fair to possible new generations as overpopulation would no doubt limit the amount of new humans being born and a type of spade and neutering process would most likely occur much like that of China today where overpopulation limits people there to having only one child as far as I know. There would eventually be a point where there would be no more room on Earth for new humans to be born. On the other hand had Einstein been allowed to "Live Forever" my God what could he have discovered.

These breakthroughs in medical science correlate with the advancement of robotics and microchips becoming ever increasingly smaller. Small enough to flow right along side our blood cells directly in our veins. The advancement of microchip technology eventually will lead us to AI - Artificial Intelligence, machines that can think for themselves (or more importantly, out-think us). I have an electronic chessboard in my closet that can defeat 98% of the population of the world on its highest setting Level 8, and I can't even get past Level 4 last time I tried and I am just under Grandmaster status on a chessboard. I for one welcome the technology although the idea of robots smarter than us is frightfully scary. Much like we don't care about any random bugs we may squash in our daily lives considering them far inferior, the Terminator machines may feel the exact same way about us.

They say it could even be the start of WW3 with half of the humans siding with bringing on Singularity almost as a new religion and devotion to our new Robot Gods and the other half trying to halt this process and save whats left of humanity as we still know it. I for one welcome our future Robot Rulers. I also graciously ask them to consider to spare me arduous indentured servitude in exchange for all the years I've listened to Electronic Techno Music.
 Vive Las Dioses Roboticos!

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