Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mystery of Human Language & The Universe

在 這個世界上,沒有人理解你的思維方式 ¿de qué sirve tratar de enseñar lo que sabe потому что никто не знает, что Ваше высказывание любом случае, Ich habe versucht, alles, was ich konnte über dieses Universum zu verstehen と私はいくつかの素晴らしい結論になってきた. Isang araw ang katotohanan ay kilala सब कुछ हमारे आसपास के महान भव्यता. Nó là một phước lành để có thể hiểu những điều này. One day this knowledge I hope will be of use... μέχρι εκείνη την ημέρα, στη συνέχεια. Gaan voort met die reis, rechercher la connaissance, Benedictus Deus .. cui illa 'dii' sint ... ~ The Wizard


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cinema & Scores at its Finest

The Adjustment Bureau 
Four Elections

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

That was Fun

Wow havnt blogged 4 awhile - cant sleep been battling a going on 2 week bout with Bronchitis. I went to the doctor 2 days ago and told him I had Pneumonia he was like oyeah how do u know. I told him I was a doctor. He said,"If your a doctor why u comin here?" I said," Just kidding u Fuck now tell me whats wrong with me." He said its not Pneumonia its Bronchitis. They he preceded to ask me if I smoke. Holy Shit. better take a seat Doc... anyways I'll be fine in a few days I think.

So anyways whats been up. well these blogs always seem to come from me not being able to sleep. So while I wait for my robotussin cough suppresent to kick in lets see... been kinda down since the government shut down my way of living for the past 5 years, that being Full Tilt Joker*. Been having to find other ways of making income. and since these Indian casinos out in California aren't to keen on hiring convicted felons its been tough. Been to Mexico about half the days this month sports betting on baseball & football. I think I have a semi-full proof plan worked out too already. Bet on the New England Patriots no matter the spread. Even if its against the home team. That was a little amusing watching the game and rooting for the Chargers to choke. Good thing some heavy duty SD fans wernt watching the game with me or I wouldve been having to root a little quieter. Cervesas, Senoritas, holding your own in the streets of Tijuana can be a little amusing at times. Funny to me I guess scary to other people. But I consider everything from here on out pretty much a freeroll having figured I've dodge Grim going on around 5 times now. Other stuff that goes down there is cool chilling with Mariachi on the sides, being hassled by doormen to enter their bars, being hassled by chicas for some "quality time" beating old ladies and small children back when they ask you for a dollar, dancing w/ random senoritas in the smaller bar joints, crossin the border w/ lucha libre masks on and rolling with the homie.  During our recent excursions together I've even given him his street name which is "The Flash." How that came about is another blog i guess.
(bano en Mexico)

Other stuff that been going on outside of Mexico I guess im still trying to find a way out to Vegas but have run into some complications and have to push that date a few several months in the future I guess if any. Might just wait to see if we all survive 2012 than move out there on our I guess 6th freeroll having us all dodged Grim. Oh yeah I was watching Ancient Aliens on the History channel (awesome show by the way confirms everything I've been thinking about for years), and it said the image of the Grim Reaper came to be from earlier times when plagues would hit cities and a mysterious figure would be seen lurking abouts. LOL Grim is an Alien. well Duh. haha
 I dont even know what to call this blog since i just started typing at random. wow if anyone actually reads this they might consider me a few marbles short of a picnic basket. The cucumber always taste better pickled. wait what? who knows thats just how i roll.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Viva La Mexico

BadAzZ weekend in MeXicO - 
Gangster's Paradise
yo pienso en ti...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Love ♥ Music ♫♪ Art φ Beauty ☺

New Artist Discovered ~

Audrey Kawasaki 
Christina Perri - Arms
seen on LA INK (at least something good came from that show)
not sure which artist i like more but they seem to go together well -

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Up On Melancholy Hill ~ ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫

A Couple of Remixes of Melancholy Hill by the GoriLLaZ

TranZed out Mix -AN21 & Max Vangelli

Dubstep Mix -HyGrade

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Countdown to Busto, High Stakes Blackjack & preparations for Vegas

Being Felted (going bust,broke) is considered by some in the poker world to be a badge of honor. Like a Battle Scar even when you lose the fight it toughens you up for the inevitable Wars ahead. After months and most likely years of sustaining your income with nothing else but playing poker, this is an unfortunate absolute occurance. (especially early in your career as a PPP) -- After long sessions, days turning into night turning into day, grueling tournaments of 2-3K ppl, dealing with drunks, morons & other unsavory characters that are a regular occurance in the business - the ritual of going bust is like being "shot in the gut" a wound that doesnt kill you at first but in time eventually will. (without medical attention of course) Going busto you kinda sense the end is near before it happens and when it finally does happen it feels like Armageddon. Especially if its been awhile since the last bust. Post Busto is a time of reflections on battles won & lost. The time interval between felted sessions usual determines the ratio of won/loss battles with the more time its been since u been felted the more successful you've been.
Mostly though it is a badge of shame. There is a reason why your felted and mine is no glory session. A bad series of chain linked events led to this wondrous Felt. (just like in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button) --= Missed Partie(s) plural FFS, lead to bad decisions at the table cuz i was already pissed which lead to tilt decisions which lead to even worse decisions all complied by playing in the Pit which is a major leak for any PPP (which stands for Professional Poker Player in case you havn't figured that out yet). "The Pit" is the area of the casino where they play the other games besides Poker. Blackjack, Roulette, Craps etc. The reason why its called the pit is bcuz ur money falls in and never comes out. (at least thats why i think its called that -very fitting huh) = so after my crappy poker play i go play  High Stakes Blackjack $300-$400 a hand (high stakes to me maybe not to u if u reading this blog in your Bently Limo while Alfred pours you a Mimosa) do they even have Bently limos? nvrmind - after a 2 day session I was stuck a pretty good amount on the 1st day but the 2nd day a mere $40 dollars but after playing 15 hours straight on the 2nd day I was exhausted and decided to make up the $40 in Blackjack. After losing like 4 hands in a row I was betting $400 a hand and being dealt 20 to a dealers 21. FFS ****** after that mega tilt kicks in and I bet my last $400 and get dealt AA. = sick joke the gambling Gods are playing on me for this is a great hand in the game i just played for 15 hours and only saw that hand once here I am being dealt it on my 5th hand in and now I don't have enough to double down. Of course Picture Picture comes up i get 22 and had I been able to split those aces I would've got two Blackjacks or 21 which I couldn't because that was the last of my roll. I would've been boosted right back up there with $1600. sigh
Well PPP's are notoriously resourceful and Im sure I'll make my way back to the felt somehow with some way of buying in. All this too as i am preparing to move back to Las Vegas. Although after some reflection i think this was a good testing field bcuz if i cant make it here, dealing with emotions, bet control, bankroll management and controlling vices, leaks and temptations how the Fuck am I gonna make it in Sin City. Actually not worried about it to much though because I can pretty much deal cards blindfolded and that's a pretty useful skill to have in that town. So I guess I'm on a mini vacation while I sort this out and browse websites and apply for various jobs on the Strip. - I wonder if the "Thunder Down Under" show is still up... maybe they're hiring...

Also these Micros episode are really tripping me out with how relevant they are to my actual roll. When the first episode came out and Chase won that Tournament by spiking the King of Diamonds on the River was the same week I won that MiniFTOPS HORSE event. But as I said in a previous blog, strange occurrences like that are now the norm for me even though once in awhile they still spook me out a bit... (Twilight Zone theme playing...)
 WizDrW on FT...Fuck forget about it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Can We Live Forever? -- Artificial Intelligence & Technology surpassing Human Biology

Recently I watched a couple documentaries about extending human life. One was called Transcendent Man about Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil who invented the first text speech recognition technology enabling the blind to be able to read books and many other interesting things. He also teaches the idea of Singularity. Meaning a time in which Technology will surpass the complexity of the human brain. He vows this time is drawing closer and if we are to live a mere 15 years longer we will come upon an age in which our life expectancy will add by one year every year (meaning science would advance at such a rate it would give us another year to live each year) and technology will surpass Human Biology meaning we could in theory "Live Forever".  He also spoke of discovering the gene which makes us age and by altering this gene in worms he was able to extend their life expectancy and make them more vigorous.
 I also watched another documentary about how they were using peoples own cells to rebuild human organs for future transplant should our own organs fail us. They even grew a human ear on the back of a lab rat to be cut away later and be transplanted back on a human. This technology is very interesting to me and I assume very interesting to everyone else living during these times.
 We are coming across an age where we could in theory "Live Forever". The question I ask is would this be fair to possible new generations as overpopulation would no doubt limit the amount of new humans being born and a type of spade and neutering process would most likely occur much like that of China today where overpopulation limits people there to having only one child as far as I know. There would eventually be a point where there would be no more room on Earth for new humans to be born. On the other hand had Einstein been allowed to "Live Forever" my God what could he have discovered.

These breakthroughs in medical science correlate with the advancement of robotics and microchips becoming ever increasingly smaller. Small enough to flow right along side our blood cells directly in our veins. The advancement of microchip technology eventually will lead us to AI - Artificial Intelligence, machines that can think for themselves (or more importantly, out-think us). I have an electronic chessboard in my closet that can defeat 98% of the population of the world on its highest setting Level 8, and I can't even get past Level 4 last time I tried and I am just under Grandmaster status on a chessboard. I for one welcome the technology although the idea of robots smarter than us is frightfully scary. Much like we don't care about any random bugs we may squash in our daily lives considering them far inferior, the Terminator machines may feel the exact same way about us.

They say it could even be the start of WW3 with half of the humans siding with bringing on Singularity almost as a new religion and devotion to our new Robot Gods and the other half trying to halt this process and save whats left of humanity as we still know it. I for one welcome our future Robot Rulers. I also graciously ask them to consider to spare me arduous indentured servitude in exchange for all the years I've listened to Electronic Techno Music.
 Vive Las Dioses Roboticos!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hellmuth, Lebron - Rings, Bracelets Championships & missed Glory

Not really a basketball or sports fan for that matter - but what Lebron said about ppl judging him "reigns" true to me = “All the people that was rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I’m going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that."LJ -- I don't know much about basketball and by reading the articles about it I guess he didn't preform at the top of his expectations but I do know he is a great basketball player recently being compared to Jordan for all time great. Although growing up watching MJ play I don't even know how this is a topic for discussion.

Lebron failing to win his Ring is very similar to the Great Phil Hellmuth failing to win his 12th bracelet last Sunday in the 2011 WSOP 2-7 Lowball vs John Juanda who earned his 5th bracelet. That's right i said Great Phil Hellmuth. While he is a whiny arrogant shit talkin Fuck of a Poker Player, he does have the most gold bracelets with 11,  the most WSOP final tables with 41 and most WSOP cashes with 80 (both including this latest final table). He won his World Championship bracelet besting Johnny Chan who was on his 3rd run at the World Championship. Not to mention he is a member of the Poker Hall of Fame.  Anyone who says Hellmuth can't play or is a whack or dated player don't know jack shit about poker or is just jealous.
I've noticed jealous people always try to bring down the guy at the top when they realize he's better than them to make themselves feel better that they've smeared the champ somehow.  This would happen when I would play high limit razz and go on sick runs. People would start to call me out calling me a horrible player saying I play like shit, this and that when it was obvious I was playing my best game optimal strategy. I was like what is the basis for your shit talking?

I've always said about Hellmuth I respect him and think he's fuckin sick. 11 bracelets and ppl want to talk shit about him. Damn thats like deadly fire I would put all them bracelets on a baseball bat and carry it with me to the table  - Yea he could probably handle himself with more class but with the whole sport gunning for your throne you have to give the guy some slack for being a little on edge. You try dominating a sport and see how well you handle it. If you were the best in the world at something (NL Hold-em tourns) God forbid your only human and you would probably talk shit about everyone else too. (especially idiots from northern Europe)

That's why I think Lebrons quote above is so awesome. He's pretty much saying Fuck the Haters I got what I got continue to hate. Anyhoo I'm guessing LJ will eventually win a ring, Hellmuth will undoubtly in my opinion win another bracelet, and more shmucks, and jellybean lowlifes will continue to hate on these great athletes / competetors.

Go for the glory, play for the gusto, shun all the haters and try to make it to the top in whatever venture you pursue. This is coming from someone with 0 bracelets but the drive, determination and the skill to hopefully compete and win Poker's ultimate prize one day. I know I'm good enough to sit at that table and I know for Fucks sake Imma Get rich or Die trying.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

# 1 of all Time

I was once asked many years ago by a friend what my favorite Tranz track of all time was, with literally thousands of tracks to choose from obviously not an easy decision - I remember thinking about it and answering with certainty - Airwave = my friend looked at me,  nodded his head and said yea I can see that being your favorite song, he understood the scene just as much as I did and taught me alot about it actually - (some ppl are just Mavericks like that...)

Anyways here is a remix version of that song I mentioned so many years ago. 6,7,8 who knows how many years ago I was asked that question - The years are all just a blur of flashing lights, massive bass, city streets, far out deserts, polo fields, auditoriums, arenas, colosseums, venues & warehouses, God-like DJ's, beautiful girls, awesome people, mind trips, candy flips and free love - "Have you ever seen Music as Colors in the Midnight Air?"
I just realized rereading this blog that the artist of this track is Rank 1. True that's about right.. Shocking coincedences like that are now the norm of my life. Rank the song 1 on my Tranz playlist and the artist of the track is Rank 1. I guess that's why I'm Taoist. Ying Yang chitty bang bang. The artist name had no push whatsoever in me rating it at the top. That's just how it works I guess in WizWorld.
cued @ 1:30 - 10 years of electricity runs through my veins, my brain, and my heart pumps once again to the beat of TranZ Music... 10 years of the scene all come back in one song. close to 50 raves i think ive been to - 3 Audiotistics, 3 How Sweets, 3 Nocturnal Wonderlands, 3 Electric Daisys, Animania, 2 Nations, 3 Together As Ones, Fox Arena, 2 Monster Massives, 3 Love Fest,  5 Masterdomes, Wake and Bake, and an unknown number of underground raves with names I've long since forgotten...
Christopher Lawrence - Electric Daisy 2007

I once heard that all things with a beginning have an end... yea obviously thats true - and when I look around me and see no one from my past still dancing beside me to the music I love - I wonder if its time to hang up the black bandana and call it a good run....



peace to the old crew - peace to the scene now and the younger generation = just keep in mind if you see a black rag on the arm of this raver out there - clear the fuckin dancefloor = cuz we about to tear shit up - One.. More... Time.... -= In The STreeTS We GonNa RocK RiGhT =-

Peace, Love, Unity & Respect ~


Everyday Junglist / Techno Rocker

Monday, June 6, 2011

How I got my Name - "The Wiz"

First of all let me say that this post obviously refers to my nickname, "Wizard" and not to my birth name "Columbo". Just joking my birth name is Wes. And since we're on the subject I have come to speculate that my parents named me Wes maybe because they are from the Southeast Asian Islands or Pacific Islands the Philippines and were having a child on there way to moving out to the Western United States. (I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii) Maybe they thought naming their kid "Wes" moving to California would be pretty snazzy or maybe It's bcuz my parents like cowboy movies. Really they do they're favorite is John Wayne but recently I gave them a copy of 3:10 to Yuma the newer version and Appaloosa. They seemed to like it although my Mom thinks every movie without a Nun is to violent.

Since this blog is titled "Words of Wiz" I guess it makes sense to explain where my alias came from. I believe, and if you choose to read or follow my blogs you'll come to see I have very "unique" beliefs that everyone should have 2 names. One the name their parents give them and Two the name that they hopefully after some thought and self analysis give themselves. There is also a 3rd part to this, the name that those around might give you although I believe since one didn't choose the name for themselves this last choice has less cred or merit.
 So anyone that knows me in person would probably say I'm a fairly intellectual guy. Not saying I'm always the smartest guy in the room but unless we're at Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory I'm not gonna be at the other end of the spectrum either. ALthough I might even be ok in that room, pretty sure I'd have the Janitor beat unless he was that guy from Good Will Hunting. That being said Is where I would say the first part of how I got my name came from. Albeit from me If you were to ever come across a dumb Wizard.

I actually started using my name around 15 years ago abouts during the start of the age of the Internet. It was when the original Warcraft game came out. You know that game Humans vs Orcs where you build a Town up and go and kill & pillage the other guys town. (Zug Zug) Well I would go by the alias Wizard420. Keep in mind this was 15 years ago I was all about the 420. Maybe It was because there was a Wizard in the game that was one of the more powerful characters. Or maybe bcuz since I was a boy I enjoyed the tales of King Arthur his Knights of the Round Table & his almighty Wizard Merlin. Or it could be bcuz even then I would compete against friends a few years older than me (Ron, older brother of one of my best friends at the time Romel, Steve/Mousey bcuz his face somewhat resembled a Mouse, Victor, "Z" Zoran, and Brandon/Tweety lol bcuz his scrawny build resembled tweety bird) that taught me my first computer tricks, hacks, shortcuts and nuances and I could beat them and was a Computer "Whiz". Whatever it was that made me type in Wizard420 for my alias, that's what it was and it stuck.

I got my other alias WizDrW about 6 years ago when I started playing FTP (Full Tilt Poker). I couldnt just type in Wizard anymore bcuz that was obviously taken so I came up with Wiz - Doctor W. I was having multiple personality issues at the time much in the form of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Also during that time I was a board certified "Street Pharmacist." Just like in real life, most people that have had the unfortunate experience of competing against me in the online gaming world would probably say I'm no slouch in the mental category either.

Now Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the word Wizard as a "wise man, skilled in magic, a person very clever or skillful". For sake of just starting this blog and not wanting to divulge some of the more questionable aspects of my life just yet, lets say there was a time in my life where I practiced "Magic". It was along the lines of "Where did you want to go" and "How long did you want to stay there." Also a Wizard tends to know spells and have certain powers and I swear since those times I've become a little more in tune to certain things and am positive I have certain "abilities" that I didnt have before.

Well this blog seems to be going on so I'll end it with a revelation that I recently discovered about my alias Wiz. The first letter "W" is the first letter in my first name, the last letter "Z" is the last letter in my last name, and the "I" could stand for I or me. So all in all I am the WIZ. A well earned, well deserved and very fitting nickname.

So its 10AM this blog came from not being able to sleep. I keep very odd hours (that's another blog explanation in itself) and my tynenol PM is kicking in.

My name is Wes, aka Wizard, aka Wiz, aka WizDrW (online) nice to meet you and I'll catch you on the next one. Oh and by the way I almost forgot... Whats your Name???

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kung Fu the Geezer

Sat next to an old man today. 65 years old abouts. - called me names the whole time. first he called me a nerd bcuz i had glasses on. then he called me a gangster bcuz of the tattoos on my hands. and every time i beat him a pot he would grab my arm and raise his fist like he was gonna hit me. Fuckin old geezer shouldve elbowed him in the larynx.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Music audiens senex memoria cogitat facere actus nostros in vita etiam ulla re diffundere causa fiunt quid faciunt viam occurrit cur in quibusdam nee alii lifes est etiam frustra quaeritur et interrogando iustus vivit vita lubidinem an usque dignitatem conferens nostra cogitatione elevata intellexit etiam

Wes Core on FB

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Abdul the Indian & Drum n Bass Psychics

Played Poker today and sat with a guy named Abdul the Indian. Always funny playing cards with this guy because he vocally tries to rationalize every decision he makes but he does it with a heavy Indian accent. (like Apu from the Kwik-E mart) Makes me laugh every time I even take my headphones off on the side he's sitting on just to hear him talk - also that guy that called what kind of music i was listening to at random = trip bcuz its a really abstract genre - and he just called it

This guy drunk as a skunk just throwin chips around like crazy comes up to the table and says, "Hey whats up man hows it been?" I'm like do I know you? he's all yeah we played for 3 hrs last week. I'm like ok I dont remember but anyways a few hands into the session he looks at me, looks at my headphones, then looks at me again and says, "what kinda music you listening to Drum & Bass?" I'm like holy fuck yea how did u know. I thought my headphones were leaking sound or something which they werent. I was such in shock I handed him my iphone + headphones to let him in on what I was listening to. (which I almost never do unless someone is really a fan of music and I got something jive to let them in on)

this is wtf i was listening to at the time - now who would guess any other person at any given moment would be listening to this type of music = i thought we were underground (and i wasnt even wearing my everyday junglist shirt) - to put into perspective how rare this is there are at least 15 different types of electronic music alone, not to mention all the mainstream stuff ie. hip hop, rock, country = now if I had to guess what kind of music someone was listening to at random and I had $$ on it I would say rap or pop = after I asked him how he knew he said, "I dunno u just look like a junglist" (fuckin WorD that alone made my night - and almost instantaneously solidified my very existence in the movement)

after this happened he yells to his friend on another table wtf just happened then proceeds to tell me his friend MC's for ANDY C (world renown DnB DJ) - hell in a handbasket no reason to doubt him after what he just pulled.. I should've hung out longer and gotten good with these guys but i was hungry and wanted a burrito.

We'll see if I run into these dudes again - gang of psychic toughguys could be a formidable crew = pick the winning lotto #'s, smoke some chains take some names & kick your poodle down the street all in the same night - =d(*_*)b=


Saturday, May 28, 2011

1st blog = Dub Step Evolution of EDM?

decided to start blogging
does this thing work?
So I've decided to start blogging. Not sure what the difference between that and FB is just yet, except I heard you can get paid for blogging. So here I go chasing the almighty dollar.

I guess your suppose to talk about stuff you know so I'll be discussing Music, Movies, Art, Science, Life & of course Poker. So check it out if you want cuz I'm sure to say some crazy shit !!! -- el oh el ~ Wiz

testing features of this added dub song by skrillex "cinema"

to anyone who thinks i fell off the original electro wagon & jumped on the train to Dub-town i havnt - im still not a big fan of dub, but some of it can sound dope = im just oldskool i guess

The sound of "Dub-Step" has taken over the electronic music world. Seems almost every electronic DJ now plays a variation of the sound in there routine. Dub-Step has a warpy bass sound and sometimes erratic feel not dissimilar to if a Robot was malfunctioning in one form or another. Having since been in the Electronic Music scene for over 10 years now this new genre is a little disturbing to me. (This coming from someone who's favorite DJ is Dieselboy, is an Everyday Junglist & frequently plays Happy Hardcore to mellow out at 4 in the morning.)  Nevertheless evolution in all forms, is part of life and if this is what the kids like nowadays then Rock the Fuck On. Some of it I have grown a liking to just feel that a lot of dub-step heads don't understand what I consider true electronic music.

To each his own maybe I'm just nervous this genre will break the mold of "Underground Electronic Music" having recently been in Britney Spears songs and God knows what else. Maybe I'm just confused there is a Genre more distorted than the grimiest Drum and Bass. Maybe It's a good thing, maybe it wont last 3 years. We will see.

and What the Fuck my first blog = DUb-Step Evolution of Electronic Music

I might as well have talked about the best way to make a grill cheese sandwich.

mmmm cheese......


Wes Core on FB