Sunday, July 22, 2012

-=╣ V ╠=-

"VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
 The only verdict is vengeance; a Vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Ravenous Bear & My Uncle

Lost two games of Chess earlier. My excuse (because I always have one) is I was distracted and blundered. I was 2-3 moves away from locking mate against someone rated +2000 when I misfired a piece in the wrong direction causing an avalanche of dominoes in a downward spiral towards defeat. It reminds me of when I was a young man (15 years younger than I am now) I use to play against my Uncle. Playing against him is what brought my game to the level it's at today. One day the board just took on a new dimension & I saw the 64 squares in their entirety. The Queen winked at me, the Knight neighed, the Bishop tipped his hat and it was all systems go from that point on. Well during one match I made a mistake and I said to my Uncle ,"Ah man I made a mistake. You win." My Uncle looked at me and said (I will never forget his words) "If nobody ever blundered, nobody would ever lose." Was an awesome revelation not only on the Chessboard but also in Life. Would be a gift & a curse of knowledge though because now all performances could be measured by the amount of mistakes you made. And any loses due to those mistakes could eat at your psyche like a ravenous bear at a christian summer camp picnic. So thanks Uncle for instilling the notion that you must be Perfect to Win! (at the highest levels sometimes you do....) It has given me a tyrannical view of gamesmanship that I use to this day. = r.i.p. Unc - u were the man...

Fight the Good Fight

I wrote this the other night, posted it but took it down bcuz I didnt want to be a downer. On the contrary I hope it may uplift the spirit of someone that can relate to it. It is about addiction. Not the most pleasant of subjects but something I have been struggling with for the past 10-15 years depending on the poison. There a quite a few. Being bestowed with something of the gift of gab, and the uncanny ability to articulate thought onto paper, I speak for all those afflicted. If people ever discriminate, shun, or even remove you from their lives due to your affliction, keep your head up and hope for a better day. It is a powerful disease. And a disease it is. But one with a Cure, and the Remedy is Positivity, Hope, Courage, Resilience, Wisdom, Strength & Honor (Ron) and of course the Love of Family & Friendship of Good Friends. So please don't give up the Fight. Trust Me. You are not alone. Today I am Sober. It is a Miracle. I hope the Miracle lasts....

==== Can you arise from the deepest, darkest depths. Can you conquer the Demons that have held you back, yet taught you the Full Circle. Now you understand the Darkness. Can you understand the Light? Will you soar like a Phoenix from the Ashes? Or will you join the Unnamed One in a Kingdom of Unforgiving Sorrow. A Chosen few have been selected to help guide you. Will you heed their sage Advice? Or Troop Alone like a Madman in the Jungle, until only You & "God" stand before each other. A "Rock & RoLL Poet", few really know it. Sometimes acting without rhyme, logic or reason. Sometimes thinking so many moves ahead I confuse myself. A Enigmatic case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. A Conundrum of a Paradox on the center square of a Rubix Cube in the middle of the Chessboard. If these things have made you part of who & what you are, how do you deny the very essence of that which made you? Taking it to the Limit. But the Game we play is NO-LIMIT and it's All or Nothing. Can't stop the Funk. And to even consider slowing down is preposterous. Understands why so many of the Good die Young. Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain, Bruce, Lennon, MLK, JFK... Almost as if this realm is not equipped for an Aura of that magnitude. What's wrong? You can't handle your stuff bro? Shit. In all accumulation from this point to that, it's a Bloody Miracle you're still walking. Hunter, how they Hell did you do it? Oh wait, you blew your own head off. Christ... I'm pretty sure we'll figure this one out as well. If not, I know I got a Rockin * chair saved for me... somewhere down there... But the fight isn't over. Not this one anyways. I've lost many. In the Streets, In the Casino, In the Mind, In the Heart. But this is one fight I'm still fighting and I haven't given up or lost it yet, I'm still fighting and For Fucks Sake I'm giving it everything I've got... - Wiz